SS6- Riser Mains for Use by Fire Services
Fire Hydrants (Riser Mains) Inspections for Your Building WoF
An upright pipe fitted in a building for fire fighting purposes, equipped with inlet connections at fire brigade access level and landing valves at specific points. The pipe is typically dry and is charged with water by pumping from Fire Service machines.
An upright pipe installed in a building for fire fighting reasons and constantly charged with water from a pressurised supply adequate for fire fighting, and equipped with landing valves at specified places. Wet risers were fitted to outdated editions of NZS4510 and are now not generally installed.
A hydrant main fitted in a building for fire fighting reasons, equipped with inlet connections at fire brigade access level and outlet assemblies at specified places. The riser is typically pressurised with water for observing purposes via a somewhat small diameter pipe link. Water for fire fighting objectives is supplied by pumping water into the inlet from the Fire Service machines.
Maintenance & Testing process (performing standards: NZS 4540 etc.)
Hydrant testing may be for fire sprinkler system design, confirmation of adequacy of firefighting water for new developments, performance testing of existing Territorial Authority supplies and/or routine inspection and testing of fire hydrants on your site.
- If you have been asked to complete hydrant flow testing by Watercare, or as part of your resource consent you need to prove the firefighting water supply available to your new development.
- If you have fire hydrants located on private property and need to meet your insurance company's testing requirements or if you are unsure of your obligations under PAS 4509 2008.
- If you need to determine mains pressure and water supply for your new sprinkler system
We can help you with your annual riser main inspections and flow testing for Building Warrant of Fitness purpose.